Please visit this link to view a collection of available Fitch Lab publications through NCBI.
Other Publications not available through NCBI:
Rendall, A. R., Ford, A. L., Perrino, P. A., & Fitch, R. H. (2017). Auditory processing enhancements in the TS2-neo mouse model of Timothy Syndrome, a rare genetic disorder associated with autism spectrum disorders. Advances in neurodevelopmental disorders, 1(3), 176-189.
Perrino, P. A., Talbot, L., Kirkland, R., Hill, A., Rendall, A. R., Mountford, H. S., ... & Fitch, R. H. (2020). Multi-level evidence of an allelic hierarchy of USH2A variants in hearing, auditory processing and speech/language outcomes. Communications Biology, 3(1), 1-14.
Perrino, P. A., Chamberlain, S. J., Eigsti, I. M., & Fitch, R. H. (2020). Communicationârelated assessments in an Angelman syndrome mouse model. Brain and Behavior, e01937.
Perrino, P. A., Newbury, D. F., & Fitch, R. H. (2021). Peripheral Anomalies in USH2A Cause Central Auditory Anomalies in a Mouse Model of Usher Syndrome and CAPD. Genes, 12(2), 151.